Je bekijkt nu Harajuku Fashion Walk | Tokyo Japan

Harajuku Fashion Walk | Tokyo Japan

As a true Japanese Fashion Lover I’ve always wanted to join the
Harajuku Fashion Walk . During our previous trip to Japan we were
there on the right time and we were able to join the Harajuku Fashion Walk
in Tokyo Japan .

Danny asked to get a picture together with these cute girls! @_negitas_ @espersasakure #kawaii #Harajuku #harajukufashion #harajukufashionwalk #Japan #japantravel #Tokyo #Decora #toddler

Een bericht gedeeld door Leyla Ummels, vlogger (@leylafashion) op

Everyone can Join

The Harajuku Fashion Walk is open for everyone who dresses in Japanese Fashion.
Just come to the meeting point and start to make new friends !
It might be a bit scary to join for the first time, but remember,
everyone used to be a newbie in the past ! And a lot of people speak English.


I went to the Fashion walk with my husband and son.
We were lucky to go there when some of our friends also went to the walk!

@brokendoll_ken was also at the fashion walk! #harajukufashionwalk #Harajuku #harajukufashion

Een bericht gedeeld door Leyla Ummels, vlogger (@leylafashion) op


I made a vlog about the Harajuku Fashion Walk day ! Please enjoy the video !

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7 jaren geleden

Great video! I’d love to join the Harajuku Fashion Walk 😀
Danny is really cute! 😀 and I love your outfit.